KIDDINX Studios GmbH


KIDDINX Studios GmbH creates an exciting world for children.

We have been running our own studio production for more than thirty years and hold the rights to the successful series Benjamin the Elephant, Bibi Blocksberg and Bibi & Tina.

We work with outside authors on the production of audio books to accompany our series. They are directed and recorded in our company’s own sound studio. We even deal with the product design ourselves. Throughout both the conception and realization stages, we place great importance on interesting, educational and problem-solving content that delights and entertains audiences.

Through close co-operation with our licensing partners we ensure that our licensed products are in keeping with brand standards.

Our sound studio is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and has an archive of 70,000 sounds. It is here that audio book stories for our series are directed and recorded. First-rate casts with well-known dubbing voices and a dedicated, professional production team guarantee that the scripts are in the best possible hands.

Our team has a long history of producing audio books and is made up of professionals from the worlds of animated film synchronization, multimedia production recording, music production and song recording. Television and radio commercial production is also included.

The studio is also available for productions commissioned externally.

Gabi Salomon
Gabi Salomon - Geschäftsführung Kiddinx Studios GmbH

Ute Ehlert
Assistant to the management
Ebereschenallee 7
14050 Berlin
Tel.: 030/ 306 997 76
Fax: 030/ 306 997 61


If you have any questions or require further information you can always reach us at the following address:

KIDDINX Studios GmbH
Ebereschenallee 7
14050 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 30 69 97-0
Fax: +49 (0)30 30 69 97-61

Gabi Salomon, Martina Priemer

Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg
HRB 10 569

gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: